Or at least that's what this Reuters piece is suggesting

A report doing the rounds now is hinting that there is some rift in Chinese leadership that is caused by trade tensions with the US. If indeed the case, Pooh bear the panda needs to take off the ear muffs and start listening.

The report suggests that there is an unusual surge of criticism surrounding president Xi's economic policy and how the government has handled the trade war so far, with unnamed sources being cited going as far as saying that China's leadership has misjudged the whole trade situation.

It's hard to read much into this now and the fact that this report isn't released on the main wires is really making me question its authenticity. China takes its confidentiality really seriously when it comes to state matters so it's tough to imagine any reputable official making comments like these in a time where geopolitical tensions are so sensitive.

The backlash if he/she were to be found out would be unimaginable and not to mention very, very severe. This could only mean one of two things if that is the case: Either it's lowly officials are the ones being cited - more gossip than anything else - or the cracks are starting to show in China and the walls are going to fall apart really soon.