What a Donald Trump Presidency would mean (and Republicans and Democrats are so scared)
The President of the United States of America isn't the most powerful person in the world, not even close.
Laws are passed with the virtual stroke of the pen in Parliaments in places like the UK, Germany and Canada and leaders there undoubtedly have more power within their borders.
The American system of government is overwhelmed with checks and balances. Without Congress the White House is left with only the threat of a veto that can still be overridden.
That's why a Trump Presidency isn't the fearsome future the media circus is touting. Trump can't build a wall without Congressional money (Mexico isn't going to pay). It's also why the Republican establishment is so scared.
Trump is a bully
Teddy Roosevelt was a self-aggrandizing showman like Trump. He was equally revered and adored. When he finally reached the pinnacle of American politics he realized the fleeting domestic power he had.
That's when he coined the term "bully pulpit" to describe the office of the Presidency. It meant he had the clout, the positioning and the spotlight to shame Congress and persuade America of his vision. It was the only way he could get things done.
That's why the Republican and Democratic establishments are so scared of Trump. He's a natural bully and could exploit the position to tear down a Congress that's been bought-off.
What his supporters see is someone from the outside who is unafraid of the Washington machine. That's why attacks from insiders like Mitt Romney and the National Review are backfiring.
They scream to Trump supporters that the Washington elites don't really care who wins or what the candidates say so long as the winner is one of 'their guys'. They've bought off them all.
The Trump-card, so to speak, that Donald has is that he's not taking money from corporations, PACs and lobbyists.
Why the establishment is so scared
The key point is that he could do it. He could go against the rules laid out by the Rumsfeld's, Cheaney's and Clinton's. But will he?
Maybe he will simply fall into line and be the kind of lame duck, hopeless President that Obama has become.
Normally I'd expect that but the Republican party is running so scared and has become so desperate that I'm starting to believe that they really believe he will shake things up. Others see it too.
Here is a sampling of the top posts on his Facebook page on Friday. These aren't people who support Trump's agenda. They're people who are sick of everything about Washington. They don't care about policy; they just want someone who isn't part of the Washington machine.
The Democratic establishment doesn't see the threat yet
The Trump candidacy has been cheered by Democrats. They reveled in his insults hoping they'd weaken the eventual Republican candidate, never considering that Trump could win.
When it first began to look like he might, they were gleeful. He had alienated half his party and much of the remainder with xenophobia and childishness. The polling numbers showed cakewalk for Hillary Clinton.
They underestimated him. Trump is a movement. I think it's already too late. Trumpism is gaining momentum and I expect he will crush his Republican opponents on March 15 when he blows out Rubio and Kasich in their home states.
Donald Trump for President
The rest is easy. Half the country hates Hillary Clinton. All he has to do is dial down the xenophobia and childishness and his popularity will grow. He's already reversed his comments on torture and killing the families of terrorists.
Next he will campaign against Hillary as the outsider and shift to sounding more Presidential -- and he will win.
"The reason Donald Trump is getting so much support is not because of the racist comments, it's because people are seeing him as the only one with courage to step forward and say 'we've got to clean out the stables of the American governmental system, we've got to make it work.'"
Webb continued, "if you're voting for Donald Trump, you may get something very good or very bad," Webb said. "If you're voting for Hillary Clinton, you're going to be getting the same thing. Do you want the same thing? Maybe six percent of the country wants the same thing."
What happens after he wins
Trump isn't going to do any of the things he's promising. The way Congress stands right now, it's impossible.
But he could start calling out Congressmen. One-by-one he could spit venom the way only he can at the villainous, treacherous, corrupt politicians who run America. If he decides to tear them down and mobilize America to clean out Congress, that's when real change could begin to happen.
Trump will undoubtedly trip up or fall in line. He will fail as a candidate or President but he represents a change in the political tide that will last.