Latest lending data just out

  • 64826 prev
  • mortgage lending +£2.615bln, highest since July 2008, vs +£2.413bln prev
  • consumer credit +£1.22bln vs +£1.057bln prev
  • lending to non-financial business -£5.487bln, biggest fall since records began in May 2011
  • M4 money supply growth mm -0.5% yy -0.3%
  • M4 exc intermediate/other financial companies mm +0.2% yy +3.6%

Not a good balance imho.. business lending down, mortgage lending higher

All poised to end in tears again.. Will we never learn ?

GBPUSD 1.5612 as EURUSD bounces off those 1.1030 lows again

EURGBP 0.7083