Shadow UK fin min making his debut policy speech
- Labour party in govt will review Treasury and BOE
Earlier on I posted his comments from an interview with the BBC
- UK current account deficit is a worrying sign
- Labour's plan to balance the books will be aggressive
- will force people like Starbucks, Vodafone, Amazon and Google to pay fair share of taxes
- Labour is the only anti-austerity party
He's now sat down at the party conference but failed to deliver anything by way of detail and that will frustrate many both in and outside the party.
Early days though and even if the popular consensus seems to make them unelectable I wouldn't write off their chances just yet as I was just discussing with Ryan
It's noticeable that their tone of rhetoric has been turned right down to being more measured but underneath still lurks an unknown quantity
Oi! Tories. On yer bike says new shadow fin min McDonnell