US DATA: Jun employment report confirms slowdown, with payrolls +80k
and Apr-May downward revs totaling -1k. Unemploy rate remains 8.2% but
AHE and hours rose, suggesting production growth. Jobs composition:
construction +2k, mfg +11k, retail -5.4k, transport/warehouse -2.2k
after a May surge, wholesale +8.8k, leisure +13k (mainly restaurants),
temp +25.2k, healthcare +13k; govt -4k on federal dip. BLS notes “slower
job growth in Q2 in most major industries.”
Details: Payrolls/Prior Pv AHE,yoy Agg Hrs Civ Unempl Rt/Unrnd
Jun +80k —- +1.49% 103.6 8.2% (8.2165%)
May +77k +69k +1.39% 103.3 8.2% (8.2061%)
Apr +68k +77k +1.70% 103.2 8.1% (8.0977%)