US DATA: Redbook for wk Oct 2: “Sales were modestly firmer in the
final week of Sept… Some retailers said the firmer tone was reflected
by cooler and more fall like temperatures in many parts of the country
which accelerated sales at both specialty and department stores and
bolstered foot traffic in malls. Not all agreed, however, with this view
as heavy rain and flooding in other areas disrupted business. Looking
ahead, October is a four-week month ending on October 30th. Columbus Day
in the second week matches the timing of the holiday last year and
presents no comparison issues. Our preliminary target for October based
on retailer’s plans, is for 2.8% YOY, which equates to a mo gain of 0.6%
Year-over-year: Week (w/e 10/02/10 vs year-ago) 2.7%
Year-over-year: Month (September 2010 vs September 2009) 2.6%
Month-over-month: (September 2010 vs August 2010) -0.4%