S&P is up 080% on the day , but down -0.12% on the month

The US stock market is ending the week with solid gains.

  • S&P index +0.8% to 2168.27.
  • NASDAQ up 0.81% to 5312.00
  • Dow industrial average up 0.91% to 18,308.15

For the month the performance was mixed:

  • S&P index fell by -0.12%
  • NASDAQ index rose by 1.89%
  • Dow industrial average fell by -0.5%

In the US that market today, bond yields were higher:

  • 2-year note 0.7619%, +3 basis points. Last month the closing yield was 0.8053% So rates are lower by about 4 basis points
  • 5 year note yield 1.1476%, +3 basis points. Last month the closing yield was 1.1977%. So rates are down by 5 basis points.
  • 10 year note yield 1.5944%, +3.4 basis points. Last month the closing yield was 1.5800%. Rates are up 1.4 basis points on the month.
  • 30 year bond yields 2.3162%, +4 basis points. Last month the closing yield was 2.2320%. Rates are up 8 basis points.