Follows up to previous tweets regarding a $25 billion relief to airlines

The WH Chief of Staff Meadows is speaking on Fox saying that the president spoke to Mnuchin today about airline relief. This is a follow-up to the tweet overnight saying he would approve a $25 billion relief package to airlines.

On the full relief package he says:

  • Not optimistic about a comprehensive coronavirus relief package
  • Piecemeal semester is still possible (Trump tweeted about a $1200 paycheck stimulus program last night).
  • Tells reporters stimulus negotiations are off, looking at standalone bills on 10 things we agree on
  • if Trump decides to go to Oval Office, we have safety rules (which means he will go to the Oval Office)
  • Wants to ensure drugs he got are available for all

Meanwhile, lighthouses Kudlow is on CNBC:

  • targeted it would have positive impact
  • we've always had money earmarked for education and for schools to open
  • Trump merely saying not enough time for big package
  • Democrats don't want to play ball