• Prior was +3.1%
  • GDP +0.8% q/q vs +0.8% prior
  • Implicit price rise +3.3% q/q vs +2.9% prior (revised to +3.0%)
  • GDP m/m +0.1% vs +0.1% expected
  • Prior m/m reading 0.0%
  • Inventories +$47.0B
  • Nominal GDP rose 4.2% q/q
  • Compensation for employees +2.0% q/q
  • Full report

USD/CAD is up 36 pips today to 1.3130 and this isn't helping. But the main driver is the two-day plunge in oil prices. That's continued today with crude down $2.56 to $89.08 or rumors of an Iran deal.

The gain was in GDP was driven by increased inventories, non-residential construction, machinery and equipment investment, and household spending on services and semi-durable goods. This was the fourth consecutive quarterly increase in real GDP.

Growth in the second quarter was moderated by declines in housing investment, household spending on durable goods and by net trade.

Nomainal GDP growth was impressive but inflation is a drag.

GDP contributions:

Canada GDP