Canada trade balance
Canadian trade balance moves into deficit
  • Prior report plus C$3.13 billion
  • Exports C$57.61B.
  • Imports C$57.75B. Third consecutive monthly increase with gains in eight of the 11 products sectors
  • export to fell -0.9%
  • imports rose +3.7%
  • non-energy exports were up 0.7% in December
  • exports of energy products felt -5.9% in December which was the first monthly decline since April. Crude oil exports came in at -5.0% and was the major contributor to the decrease. The decline was helped by a sharp decline in prices.
  • Consumer goods rose 4.3% primarily on stronger exports of pharmaceutical products (+16.5%)
  • Imports from countries other than United States rose 6.6% in December
  • China +9.3%
  • Exports to countries other the United States were up 0.6%
  • Exports the United States fell -1.4% after a 7.0% gain in October and a 5.9% gain in November
  • imports from United States rose 2.1%. That was the third consecutive monthly increase
  • Canada's trade surplus with the United States narrowed from $9.5 billion to $8.1 billion in December
  • For the quarter exports rose 7.1%, while imports rose 5.9%
  • The export of energy products +17.6% were responsible for more than half of the quarterly increase. Exports of motor vehicle parts rose 15.5% and consumer goods rose +7.4%
  • The imports for the quarter rose for the six consecutive quarter. Imports of goods rose by 9.2%, and motor vehicle parts increased by 12.1%
  • The quarterly merchandise trade surplus widened from $2.1 billion in the third 3:45 $0.1 billion in the fourth quarter

For the full report, CLICK HERE.