Import prices
  • Prior month +0.2% (that was lower than the 0.7% increase expected)
  • Import prices for July MoM-1.4% vs. -1.0% expected
  • Export prices for July MoM -3.3% vs. -1.1% expected
  • Import prices YoY -8.8% vs. 10.7% last month ..
  • Export prices YoY -13.1% vs 18.2%.
  • Non petroleum import prices -0.7%. Year on year +4.6%
  • petroleum prices -6.8% for July vs. +5.9% last month

Another good (or better) inflation reading for the month following the CPI and PPI data released this week CPI and PPI data . The markets are not see much reaction. Nevertheless the stronger dollar will help and tends to take time to work it's way into the numbers.

In the chart above, the biggest gains on a month-to-month basis were in January, February and March of this year with a cumulative rise of 6.7% over those 3 months. Barring more negative MoM numbers down the road, it will take time for the data to come off the lofty levels. However, if the data can stablize (similar to CPI and PPI data going forward), the trend will continue lower over time (all things equal of course) with the biggest the declines coming in early 2023 when those numbers drop out of the calculations.