- Difficult to expect ECB to do more than what it has already done regarding lending to real economy
Well that’s debatable. There’s been plenty of liquidity pumped into the banks but your average Joe still needs a crowbar to get some out and into his business.
- Looking at ways to transmit interest rates evenly.
Referring to the fact that low interest rates are are not reaching all eurozone economies on the same level, with lenders in crisis hit countries passing on higher funding costs to their customers.
We can see that the transmission mechanism continues to be impaired so we continue to work and think about what we could do to correct the transmission of mon pol
Now forgive me , but doesn’t that slightly contradict the first statement above? They are either looking at ways to get the money flowing or they are not.
- ELA acces should conitue to have confidentiality
Jens Weidmann back on the soap box
- France has important role as example for credibility of rules and trust in European states budget.