The BOJ’s Tanki Keizai Kansoku Chousa (Tankan) reports on the Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan
The results are all a little poor, but the outlook is for improvement in Q3.
- June big manufacturers index +9(Reuters poll: 13)
- Sept big manufacturers index seen at +10(Reuters poll: 14)
- June big non-manufacturers index +13(Reuters poll: 14)
- Sept big non-manufacturers index seen at +13(Reuters poll: 17)
- June small manufacturers index -4(Reuters poll: -6)
- Sept small manufacturers index seen at -5(Reuters poll: -5)
- June small non-manufacturers index -1(Reuters poll: -2)
- Sept small non-manufacturers index seen at -5(Reuters poll: -1)
- Japan all firms see dollar averaging 118.96 jpy for FY2022/23
- Japan all firms see euro averaging 131.60 yen for FY2022/23
- June all firms employment index -24
- June all firms financial condition index +12 vs March +10
- June big manufacturers' production capacity index 0 vs march -2
- Japan big manufacturers see FY2022/23 recurring profits -7.9%
- Japan big firms see FY2022/23 capex +18.6% (reuters poll: 8.9%)
- Japan small firms see FY2022/23 capex -1.4% (reuters poll: -6.7%)
- Japan big manufacturers see dollar averaging 116.59 yen for FY2022/23