The offers between 1.4985-00 are now history but is the elephant still in the room?
The overall assessment of the data, without being outstanding, has given GBPUSD another lift higher through offers/tech res into 1.4990 and psychological 1.5000
The ONS links the rise in single-month regular pay to EU rules restricting banker bonuses
High posted so far 1.5010 with more offers/res around 1.5025-35 (1.5033 March 19 high)
I want to sell again here but not convinced given the inherent demand and general USD-softer tones
Will wait and see what happens but will be poised to jump back in if we run out of steam
Good two-way still. Bulls and bears with equal argument
EURGBP offering no clues still as EURUSD rises to 1.0820 from its 1.0738 lows earlier on
Keep up at the back!