Currently 0.7136 in retreat from 0.7147 highs with offers at 0.7150 holding so far. German IFO out at the top of the hour
Offers 0.7150-55 0.7180-85 0.7225-30 0.7260 0.7285 0.7300
Bids 0.7120 0.7100 0.7085 0.7065 0.7030 0.7000 0.6975-80
Offers 0.7150-55 0.7180-85 0.7225-30 0.7260 0.7285 0.7300
Bids 0.7120 0.7100 0.7085 0.7065 0.7030 0.7000 0.6975-80
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