Currently 1.1356 enjoying another lively start to the day. Jobbers delight still
Offers 1.1385 1.1400 1.1425 1.1445 1.1470 1.1485 1.1500
Bids 1.1330 1.1300 1.1285 1.1255-60 1.1220 1.1200 1.1180 1.1160 1.1140 1.1120
Offers 1.1385 1.1400 1.1425 1.1445 1.1470 1.1485 1.1500
Bids 1.1330 1.1300 1.1285 1.1255-60 1.1220 1.1200 1.1180 1.1160 1.1140 1.1120
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