Currently 1.4657 near session lows and suspect to EURGBP moves so far. UK CPI coming up at 08.30 GMT.
Offers1.4685 1.4700 1.4720 1.4750 1.4780 1.4800
Bids 1.4625 1.4600 1.4585 1.4555-60 1.4525-30 1.4500 1.4480 1.4465
Currently 1.4657 near session lows and suspect to EURGBP moves so far. UK CPI coming up at 08.30 GMT.
Offers1.4685 1.4700 1.4720 1.4750 1.4780 1.4800
Bids 1.4625 1.4600 1.4585 1.4555-60 1.4525-30 1.4500 1.4480 1.4465
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