Last year's budget was ... well ... I think 'debacle' is not too strong a word.

This year, though, the government have backtracked. They had to. Economic growth in Australia, while still positive, fell hard last year, with business saying over and over again they they were reluctant to invest with consumer confidence and spending so low. Confidence can be an ephemeral beast, the last thing it needs is another nasty budget from the pollies.

And, with an election next year the realists in the government have decided to open the wallet a little. Nothing like a few votes to motivate a pollie, eh?

Expect Tuesday evening's (Australian time) budget to be viewed in a more positive light. The RBA have urged the governemtn, over and over, to support the economy with some fiscal measures, and they should get at least some of their wish in this budget.

We'll get the details Tuesday evening, but for a preview of what to expect, Fairfax has this: Federal Budget 2015: Why the new budget will be completely different