Sorry I didn’t know about this broadcast.
- Says U.S. economy expanding,healing.
- Europe solutions will take a long time .
- Europe needs a ‘fiscal union’.
- Says ‘ this is Europe’s crisis’.
- Long -term reforms not likely before election.
- We want to move quickly ‘ but will take election.
- Europe needs more immediate short-term growth support.
- Says Europe ‘significant’ risk to U.S.
- Says U.S. economy ‘definitely ‘ slower’.
- Sees ‘foundation-laying to bridge fiscal divide.
- Sees ‘big headwinds’ to U.S. economy.
- Says Obama will be firm on his tax cut position.
- Says Obama ‘absolutely committed ‘ to tax-cut position.
- Says many see risk of recession due to ‘fiscal cliff’ .
- ‘Quiet conversations’ are taking place on capital hill.
- Would be irresponsible to extend tax cuts for top 2%.
- Says US economy ‘