China's Jan-July trade report now out from the customs office 23 Aug
- USD 1.97bln
- July exports $299.85mln
- Jan-July imports down 16.3% yy at $1.04bln
Seems they won't be rushing to bite the hand that feeds just yet but small beer compared to China's trade with other partners.
- July total trade with NK $456.16mln vs 489mln in June
- Jan-July total trade $3.01bln up 10.2% yy
July trade total down as China's ban on NK coal imports kicks in after pressure from US/UN to impose sanctions.
Meanwhile USDJPY 109.47 not far off session lows, EURUSD 1.1757 and GBPUSD 1.2820 stuck in a 00-50 range still.
China-NK trade falls in July but exports still rising