An alternative approach in Sweden, where daily briefing are given by state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, with the blessing of the politicians.

  • there is no lockdown
  • Shopping centres remain open, as are most schools and firms
  • Many work from home, many don't - all are at liberty to choose.

The UK went into lockdown … when Imperial College London published its study suggesting that avoiding lockdown could mean 250,000 deaths. This logic applies to Sweden - but the country of the Nobel Prize and the Karolinska Institute believes its own experts. They disagree with Imperial. They still see Covid-19 as a manageable risk.

Tegnell, the state epidemiologist,

  • His team have published their own assessment of the virus and its likely trajectory, showing it peaking with about 250 needing intensive care in Stockholm. The nation's hospitals, he says, can cope. A 600-bed temporary ward is opening tomorrow, south of the city - and when it does, a quarter of all intensive care beds will be used. So for now, no reason to impose any more restrictions.


Here is the link for more. It'll be interesting to see how the infection develops in the country.