Dexamethasone is a cheap and widely used steroid, its use against cov1 COVID-19 is being called a "major breakthrough".

  • used to reduce inflammation in other diseases

Trial results announced on Tuesday - but not yet peer reviewed

  • reports that death rates were reduced by about a third in COVID-19 patients who took the drug
  • "Researchers who led the trials said the preliminary results suggested the drug should immediately become standard care in patients with severe cases of the pandemic disease."
  • findings were announced via media release, but the researchers said they would work to publish the full details of the trial as soon as possible

I am still awaiting my pharmaceutical PhD so am unable to (officially) vouch for the research.

Here are some links for more, news has been about since overnight:

Dexamethasone is a cheap and widely used steroid, its use against cov1 COVID-19 is being called a  major breakthrough.