- Market excess not only factor to blame in euro zone crisis, structural problems too
- Spain was vulnerable due to disfunctions in labour market
- Spain needed profound labour market reform
- Recovery in market confidence on Spain became the main objective
- Recently passed law on saving banks will allow stability in cajas
- Austerity measures gave credibility to deficit reduction aims
- Spain’s reforms and measures have led to tensions in market being diminished
- Maintaining that credibility is key given tensions remaining in other euro zone countries
- Timid recovery will continue next year, but lots of uncertainty internally and externally
- Conditions of financing are still restrictive
- Hard for internal demand to recover as well in 2nd half of this year as in 1st half
- Internal demand will continue to show weakness
- External demand will be more dynamic than internal
- Exports will prolong rising trend
- Outlook for Spain’s economy shows gradual improvement, but will take a while to generate job growth
- Control of deficit is major priority
- There are risks that threaten the 2011 budget deficit goals
- Biggest risk for deficit reduction comes from territorial administrations. Decentralization of spending in regions
- Regional govts must commit to cut spending
- Pension reform key to reinforcing country’s credibility on budget discipline
- Fiscal consolidation will be more effective if it goes along with structural reforms