What's coming up from the timezone here today
2200 GMT - Australia - CBA / MArkit services and composite PMIs for January
- prior 55.1 and 55.5 respectively
2230 GMT - Australia - AiG Services PMI
- prior 52.0
0000 GMT - Australia - monthly inflation indicator
- prior +0.1% m/m, +2.3% y/y
- We only get official CPI data from Australia once a quarter, so the private gauge is paid attention to. Last week we got Q4 official inflation, today's data will be the first heads up for Q1
0000 GMT - New Zealand - ANZ commodity price index for January
prior -2.2% m/m
0030 GMT - Japan Nikkei/Markit services and composite PMIs for January
- prior 51.1 and 52.2 respectively
0030 GMT - Australia - ANZ job ads for January
- prior -2.3% m/m
0100 GMT - New Zealand Treasury's monthly update
0145 GMT - China Caixin services and composite PMIs for January
- Services expected 53.5, prior 53.9
- Composite prior 53.0
Oh yeah .... Superbowl ... that'll be the focus