Here's what is coming up data-wise in the Asian timezone today

Japan, 2350GMT

  • June monetary base, prior +35.6 y/y

& the regular International Transactions in Securities data from Japan's Ministry of Finance, for the week ended June 26,

  • Japan Buying Foreign Bonds
  • Japan Buying Foreign Stocks
  • Foreign Buying Japan Bonds
  • Foreign Buying Japan Stocks

Neither of these are expected to have an immediate impact on the FX

New Zealand, 0000GMT

  • QV house prices for June y/y, prior was +9.0%

New Zealand, 0100GMT

  • ANZ Commodity Price Index for June, prior was -4.7%

The commodity price index will confirm, again, the (overall) weak outlook for NZ agricultural export prices

Australia, May Trade Balance

  • expected is -2225m, prior was -3888m