Don't worry about the headline. Watch the Footy!
But, we do have some data due from Japan today, Australia too and maybe China!
But first ... Bank of Japan activity today!
Yes, due at 2350GMT - it's the 'Summary of Opinions' from the January 28/29 meeting
The Minutes of the January meeting will be published on February March 18. Ahead of those we get today's publication of the "Summary of Opinions" from that meeting. This is a new communications initiative from the BOJ. What might be a better new communications initiative would be if Governor Kuroda cut out the b/s and was a bit more frank with the market on his views. Surprises are fun, but he wasted a lot of bullets & credibility with the decision in January ... and the impact of the yen was fleeting, at best.
Anyway, I've managed to secure an early release of the 'Summary of Opinions' - the names of participants have been retracted, but this is what they said:
Member 1: "We're all doomed"
Member 2: "We're all doomed"
Member 3: "We're all doomed"
Member 4: "We're all doomed"
Member 5: "We're all doomed"
Member 6: "We're all doomed"
Member 7: "We're all doomed"
Member 8: "We're all doomed"
Member 9: "Isn't the Peter Pan movie great!"
Data ...
2350GMT - Japan:
- BoP Current Account Balance for December: expected ¥ 1051.7B, prior ¥ 1143.5B
- BoP Current Account Adjusted: expected ¥ 1590.0B, prior ¥ 1423.5B
- Trade Balance BoP Basis: expected ¥ 305.3B, prior ¥ -271.5B
Unlikely to impact on the yen to much extent.
0000GMT - Japan again:
- December Labor Cash earnings y/y: expected is 0.7% prior was flat at 0.0% change
With attention is turning to the wage negotiations (shunto), the impact of this data will be slight on the yen today.
0030GMT - Australia - ANZ Job Advertisements for January, prior was -0.1% m/m
Oh yeah, the 'maybe China':
- We should get Foreign Direct Investment for January today.