We've had the headlines already and here's the full details from Eurostat

  • The Eurozone numbers were 0.4% vs 0.4% exp q/q, 1.0% unch y/y
  • Exports 0.3% vs 0.4% q/q in Q4 2014
  • 1.8% unch y/y
  • Imports -0.5% vs -0.3% Q4
  • -2.1% vs -1.9% prior y/y
  • EU 28 states 0.4% vs 0.4% prior q/q
  • 1.5% vs 1.4% prior y/y
  • Exports 0.3% vs 0.6% q/q in Q4 q/q
  • 1.8% vs 1.9% prior y/y
  • Imports -0.5% unch q/q
  • -2.1% vs -2.0% y/y

The Czechs are leading the way in European growth at the moment

EU28 states Q1 GDP