Introducing the best-ever live forex trading education

For years we've been asked to do more education and to offer a course. But we've always been focused on live analysis and writing tidbits on education when markets were quiet.

We finally decided to try it but we wanted to do something really special and share everything we could in an intimate, personal setting. Something extremely valuable.

In yesterday's webinar, Greg revealed that we were in the final stages of planning a live forex education course. We first opened up pre-registration only to the people who were in attendance. It will be a live course led by Greg and with classes from everyone from ForexLive on some awesome stuff.

We decided to only take 25 traders.

We were planning to announce it on the entire site today and open up registration but we were blown away by the demand. It sold out in a couple hours from the people in the webinar.

Some companies would promptly open up new spaces to squeeze out more money.

We're not going to do that.

We're intensely focused on delivering value and quality to our users. At this point we don't have another class planned but we now clearly see the demand. If we enjoy teaching the course, we'll plan something in the not-too--distant future.

If you're interested in getting advance notice on a future course and other exclusive education articles from us. Sign up to our education newsletter.

For now, we're going to focus on our current class and making it the best forex education we can possibly deliver. In the meantime, at we will continue to provide premium free news, analysis and education every single day.

