Here is the Aggregate Financing (CNY), Money Supply and New Yuan Loans data from China, September.
I didn't have an exact date nor time for this data and have been promising it since Tuesday.
It was out late yesterday, so here it is:
Aggregate Financing (CNY) for September, 1300.0bn
- expected 1200bn and prior was 1082.3bn
September Money Supply M1, +11.4%
- expected +9.8% y/y, while prior was +9.3%
Money Supply M2 for September, +13.1%
- expected +13.1%, prior was +13.3
Money Supply M0 +3.7%
- expected +3.0% y/y, prior +1.8%
September New Yuan Loans, 1050.0bn
- expected is 900bn, prior was 809.6bn CNY
It's the 'new loans' and 'aggregate financing' that is of most market focus. And both of these have come in well above expectations and the prior reading. These are indicative of continued government support for the economy (and the stock market) and shoud be a positive input. of course, its only one month's data, and for continued support these numbers will be looked to for more growth in coming months. The support needs demand on the other side of the equation, which has been subdued ... an increase in demand is critical for China's economy to recover from its doldrums of late.
As to timing, these were out overnight, so they are not 'new' news. I'm just doing a catch up.