Also considering to increase maturities of Greek loans from 0-15 years

I am not sure how you extend maturities on loans by 0, but the draft proposal from the Eurogroup is saying that ministers are looking to defer interest and amortization to help the financially troubled nation service their debt and get their fiscal house in order.

Of course, at some point they will need to show creditors the money.

Other comments out of Greece.:

  • Welcomes commitment of Greece to keep a primary surplus of 3.5% of GDP until 2022
  • Greek gross financing should be below 15% of GDP in the medium term and below 20% afterwards to ensure debt stays on a downward path
  • Greek FM. Agreement is a big step forward vs past discussions.
  • Dijsselbloom: Eurogroup may grant 15 year extension on Greek loan. Debt measures to be implemented after 2018

IMFs Lagarde adds:

  • She will discuss Greek accord with IMF in July (I guess that means with colleagues at IMF - that is kinda confusing since she is in charge of the IMF). MORE INFO: Lagarde to propose to IMF board stand-by loan for Greece after seeing significant progress by Greek government.