Stop your whining. We pay for Reuters Bloomberg and Dow Jones. We make our readers aware of countless stories throughout the day. Occasionally, we get a headline from a contact (usually via Reuters Messenger, for which we pay dearly). Sometimes via e-mail…Occasionally we don’t attribute a headline to a particular wire, sometimes because we frankly forget in our haste to inform readers, sometimes because the headlines are generic to all the wires.
How do you know a business model is broken? When instead of reporting, reporters are Goggling.
I guess I’d be sweating if I worked for a company with an unsustainable business model. Some of us had the good sense to leave for better opportunities.
Oh, by the way. Reuters steals our stuff and put it up in read letters on the wires on a regular basis. I have the network stats of Reuters visits to our site. Not once, in nearly three years of our existence, has Reuters attributed a story to us. Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?