Yes, that's right folks, S&P still rate the USA, voting it 'hot':
- Says AA+/A-1 (no, I've no idea WTF this all means either) rating affirmed
- Outlook remains stable
OK then, Hubba Hubba!
- Credit strengths of US include diversified, resilient economy, extensive economic policy flexibility, its status as issuer of the world's leading reserve currency
- Expect US general government debt to rise toward the end of the decade
- High level of general government debt as well as a lack of political cohesion among main parties in congress constrain US ratings
- Contingent liabilities associated with the nonbank financial sector,contribute to the burden on US public finances
- US outlook remains stable, reflecting view "there is less than a one-in-three chance that we will change the rating in the next two years"
- Despite the decline in shale energy investment caused by lower global oil prices, we expect continued revival in US manufacturing