Musn't forget the oik in Troika!

Mike's just reported that Friday's talks will now be Monday and perhaps one of the reasons they've been delayed is that the IMF weren't part of the original meeting yesterday. Those talks were supposed to be between Greece, the ECB, ESM & EU

Maybe Christine felt she might have been missing out on something special so has put her foot down. Anyway, the invite Greece sent out to the IMF yesterday has ben accepted and the IMF will now be rocking up for a chat. The invite to the IMF yesterday was to ask for discussions on a new IMF loan

While the Athens stock markets remain closed, the re-opening of banks has seen further easing in capital controls with Greeks now able to take €2000 euro's out of the country. Companies have also had the limit for money transfers abroad raised to €100k, though any transfers are still being vetted by Greek authorities