–Japan Oct Department Store Sales -2.4% Y/Y; Sep -0.2%
–Japan Sales Post Falls for Six Months In Row
TOKYO (MNI) – Department store sales in Japan fell 2.4% in October, the
sixth straight year-on-year drop, due to the calendar effects of having one less
weekend this year compared with a year before, as well as relatively high
temperatures which dampened demand for autumn clothing in the first half of the
month, data released by the Japan Department Stores Association showed on
The association compiles data from 86 companies running 249 department
stores that have been open for at least a year prior to the survey being
conducted. The data are adjusted to facilitate comparisons on a same-store
In Tokyo, combined sales at 26 department stores fell 1.5% on year in
October, posting the first y/y fall in three months, after +0.7% in September
and +0.2% in August.
–email: skodama@mni-news.com
[TOPICS: MAJDS$,M$A$$$,M$J$$$]