Latest US consumer confidence data report for July 2015

  • Prior 101.40. Revised to 99.8
  • Current conditions 107.4 vs 111.6 prior. Revised to 110.3
  • Jobs hard to get 26.7 vs 27.7 prior. Revised to 26.1
  • 1 year inflation expectations 5.1% vs 5.1% prior

A dive in sentiment which isn't good. It's about now we'd want to see further improvement. Inflation expectations remain solid

The buck goes offered slightly on the worse number and revisions. USDJPY drops to 123.52 while EURUSD adds 13 to 1.1057. Cable has a look at the 1.5618 highs

As I mentioned in my Ford/UPS post upbeat consumer confidence needs to be (and is usually) followed by spending. If it falls then that pushes that scenario even further back. That's not what the Fed wants to see

US consumer confidence