Earlier headlines on the MSCI announcement re China shares is here: MSCI expects to include China stocks in its global indices
An opinion piece on Forbes says its not a positive:
- The verdict is out. China is not ready for the big time...just yet. decided against including the A-shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index on Wednesday.
From the piece ... an idea on the potential timeline (bolding is mine):
"It is clear from MSCI's announcement today that it is only a matter of time before A-shares are added to global indexes"
Sebastian Lieblich, MSCI's head of index research in Geneva told FORBES last week that if China's A-shares were not included this year, there was a chance for them to make an exception and include them before the annual review in June. MSCI rebalances some indexes annually.
MSCI said it may still yet decide to include China A‐shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index as soon as the issues are resolved ... this could happen outside the regular schedule of its annual market classification review.
The article is here, and ungated if you want to read it in full