Bloomberg's regular piece on 5 private survey indicators to the PMIs and economy more generally

Sales Managers

  • sentiment among sales managers rose to a six-month high in January

Satellite View ... tracks commercial satellite imagery to gauge activity levels across thousands of industrial sites

  • Manufacturing regained momentum - China Satellite Manufacturing Index rebounded to 51.8 in January from 50.8

Standard Chartered Plc's Small and Medium Enterprise Confidence Index

  • softened for a second month
  • gauge of growth momentum declined

Sentiment among international financial market experts improved after hitting the lowest level since February 2016

  • survey by the China Economic Panel -- a joint project of the Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim, Germany, and Fudan University in Shanghai

S&P Global Platts China Steel Sentiment Index slumped to 21.95 out of 100 points in January from 32.82 in December

  • lowest since June 2016

More detail here at the Bloomberg link


The PMIs next week coming up:

  • Official manufacturing and non-manufacturing due at 0100 GMT on January 31
  • Caixin manufacturing due at 0145 GMT on February 1