I’ve had enough and need to go make a cup of tea. Thank you.

Before I go; sources report ACB buying EUR/USD again in recent trade. We’re at 1.4526.

UPDATE 35 bid, no lid as my old mate Dave Lewis used to say. Who wud have thunk it. Large French corporate seen buying decent amount around 30 in recent trade

I wonder if it’s Renault, they’re French you know. I just love their latest range of cars. I was even thinking about buying one, but just couldn’t bring myself to buy anything French….

Just joking. I don’t want to upset our two readers in Paris. Love the country, love the people. Infact I wish I lived in France. Nice little cottage down in Provence. Get up every morning and go smell the sunflowers. But I guess they don’t smell much, do they? Nice part of the world though…….

I’ve had enough, I’ve done my time……