Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz are not ready to vote "Yes"
The Senate healthcare detractors are starting to line up. Four - Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and "Lying" Ted Cruz have come out and said they are not ready to vote "Yes".
They say:
- They are open to negotiation in obtaining more information about the healthcare bill before it is brought to the Senate floor
- Senate health care bill improves current system,, but draft wouldn't not repeal Obama care and lower health care costs
Cruz is specifically on the wires saying:
- Draft health-care bill does not do enough to lower premiums
- Hopeful health-care bill can be improved and eventually
- Should do more to ensure consumers have freedom to choose among more affordable healthcare plans
Senator Paul said:
- Draft bill looks to be keeping large parts of Obamacare
As mentioned, it only takes two "nays" to defeat the bill.