Financial markets never cease to create anxieties
But on this special occasion, Remembrance Day 2015, let's try to put it all in context as we often do here at ForexLive
Yes, we need to live for the present sometimes and, yes. markets wait for no man or woman, but in an age of growing uncertainty let's pause for thought and remember those gone before
We decide whether we trade or not. Many of those who have laid down their lives did not have such a luxury of choice
So today let's put away our charts and research materials and pay our respects to those from all over the world through the ages who have given up their lives so that we may all live ours a little more peacefully
Last year I posted this clip and said I believe it to be one of the most poignant expressions of the futility of war that I have ever encountered. Many of you shared that view and so I am pleased to re-post it now.
Enjoy the rest of your week-end and use your time wisely. Many now do not have that opportunity.
Lest we forget