Four election promises/statements reversed within an hour
Trump just reversed his position on NATO.
"NATO is not obsolete," he said at a press conference today.
- He had previously said: "I said a long time ago that NATO had problems," Trump said during the interview with the Times of London and Germany's Bild. "Number
one, it was obsolete, because it was designed many, many years
ago. Number two, the countries weren't paying what they're supposed to
pay." - Yellen is 'toast', he had said. He railed against Yellen and Federal Reserve in one of the debates but now he's having second thoughts, saying he likes Yellen and is open to extender her term.
- Low rate policy. "They're not doing their jobs," by keeping rates low at the Fed, he said in the debate. Today: "I like low rate policy."
- "China isn't manipulating it's currency," he said today. That's a 180-degree turn from what he was saying in the final weeks of the campaign, when he promised to label China a currency manipulator.
To top it off, he just said "Right now we're not getting along with Russia at all. We may be at an all-time low" in the relationship. He also said that going it alone against North Korea means going at it with other nations. "Going it alone means going it with lots of other nations."