Durable goods orders data:
- Prior durable goods orders nondefense ex-air revised to +0.8% vs +1.5%
- Overall durable goods orders 0.0% vs -1.5% exp
- Prior durable goods orders +4.4% (revised to +3.6%)
- Ex transportation -0.4% vs -0.5% exp
- Prior ex transportation 1.3% (revised to 1.1%)
- Capital goods shipments non-defense ex air -0.4% vs +0.1% exp
- Prior capital goods shipments non-defense ex air -0.5% (revised to -0.7%)
This report isn't as good as it seems. The revisions take away all the surprise to the upside in core orders and the weak shipments numbers will lead to downward revisions to Q3 GDP estimates.