US DATA: Sept CPI +0.1%, core unch (+0.0009% unrounded) for YOY
rates of +1.1% overall and +0.8% core. Within core, apparel -0.6%, cars
+0.1%, recreation -0.3% offset +0.3% pharma, +0.2% airfares and +0.8%
med care. Used cars -0.7% in 1st drop since Apr09. OER was unch. Food
+0.3% as meats and cereals gained and beverages were flat. Energy +0.7%
in a 3rd big gain due to SA, as gas and oil surged but nat gas -2.3% and
elec -0.3% were offsets. So overall, these data show continued modest
inflation and were a little better than expected.