The South China Morning Post says media in China have been instructed to censor their reporting

Four separate sources working for Chinese media say they were told not to "over-report" the trade war with US

  • To be extremely careful about linking the trade war to stock market falls, the depreciation of the yuan or economic weakness to avoid spreading panic
  • "When you report a fall in the stock market index or a weakening in the yuan's exchange rate, you can't use 'trade war' in your headline," one source with an official Chinese media outlet, who declined to be named

Link here for more

Dunno if you can view ForexLive in China but we will continue to call a spade a spade. Believe it or not there are people out there who have tried to censor what we say! Yep, not making this up! The ForexLive response is pretty much, in summary and to be blunt, keep posting, DGAF.

Stay tuned and we will keep you up to date on the trade war and everything else.