Some more week-end reading for you as the US Department of Agriculture publishes its reasearch into which will be the top 20 economies come 2030

The U.S. will just barely remain the global leader, with $24.8 trillion in annual output. The gray bar represents the $16.8 trillion gross domestic product projected for 2015, and the green bar shows how much bigger the economy is expected to be 15 years from now. The country, worth 25% of the world economy in 2006 and 23 percent in 2015, will see its share decline to 20%

China's GDP will grow to more than twice its size today, helping the Asian powerhouse to almost entirely close its gap with the U.S.

Bloomberg has more here

Have a good week-end one and all.. I'm off to watch the mighty Shrimpers in their thrills n spills quest for promotion

Bring it on!