- Potential PM candidates will need at least 100 nominations
- We will conduct whatever balance needed on Monday
- If party decides to put 2 candidates to membership, will be an online vote
- All stages concluded no later than October 28
- Up to MPS whether we have 1 or 2 candidates to put to membership
- We have acted quickly, we will continue to do so for stability
- Nomination of threshold should be achievable by anyone with realistic prospect of winning
- Want to ensure that if there are 2 candidates, members have their say
- PM could be named on Monday if only one candidate
- If only one candidate there will be no confirmatory vote for members
More of the process:
- the first ballot of MPS in leadership race will be held between 1530 and 1730 on Monday 24th
- results of the first MPS ballot will be announced at 1700 GMT on Monday
- if a 2nd vote is needed, this will be held between 1730 GMT and 1930 GMT
- the result of possible 2nd ballot will be announced at 2000 GMT