- Prior 46.5
That's an improved reading but it still signals a contraction in Italian manufacturing conditions last month. Output continues to decline amid a sharp fall in order book volumes. Despite some cooling in inflation pressures, high prices continue to weigh on sentiment and is impacting both output and new orders. S&P Global notes that:
"Italy's manufacturing sector remained mired in a downturn during the penultimate month of the year. Factory production continued to decline amid a sustained, albeit slower, contraction in new orders.
"Cost pressures cooled further in November, with the rate of inflation the slowest for over two years, but firms continued to raise their own charges rapidly.
"The weak demand environment and falling output led to further signs of spare capacity in the sector, as backlogs of work declined sharply. Nonetheless, there was some positive news with respect to employment, with hiring sustained in November and the rate of job creation reaching a four-month high.
"Sustained employment growth mainly reflected hopes of a rebound in demand, which also drove business confidence to the strongest level in three months.
"However, expectations towards output in 12-months' time remain muted by historical standards, with firms citing concerns around the near-term economic outlook and inflationary pressures. Indeed, the latest PMI data point to ongoing challenges in the manufacturing sector as the year draws to a close."