- Last month 11.855M revised from 11.549M
- JOLTS job openings 11.400M vs 11.400M estimate. Down 455,000.
- The largest decreases were in healthcare and social assistance (-266K) , retail trade (-162K), accommodations and food services, (-113K)
- the largest increases were in transportation, warehousing, and utilities (+97K), nondurable goods manufacturing (+0.67K) and durable goods manufacturing (+53K)
- The hires rate was little changed at 6.6 million. The hires rate was unchanged at 4.4%. Hires increased in real estate and rental and leasing (+21K)
- total separations including quips, layoffs, and discharges and other separations were little change at 6.0 million at a rate of 4.0%. Total separations increase in real estate and rental and leasing (+37K)
- Quits was little change of 4.4 million or 2.9%. Quits are generally considered as voluntary separations initiated by the employee. As a result the quit rate can serve as a measure of working's willingness or ability to leave jobs and find another job.
- Layoffs and discharges, which are considered involuntary, edge down to a series low of 1.2 million.
- Over a 12 month, the hires totaled 78 million and separations totaled 71.6 million yielding and that employment gain of 6.4 million
The data continues to show a strong and stretched employment market