• Prior 107k; revised to 70k
  • November ILO unemployment rate 3.7% vs 3.7% expected
  • Prior 3.7%
  • November employment change 27k vs 5k expected
  • Prior 27k
  • November average weekly earnings 6.4% vs 6.2% 3m/y expected
  • Prior 6.1%
  • November average weekly earnings (ex bonus) 6.4% vs 6.3% 3m/y expected
  • Prior 6.1%

The number of payrolled employees in the UK increased by 28,000 (0.1%) in December, with there being a slight downwards adjustment to the November figure. Over the course of the year, there was an increase of 676,000 people in the workforce so that's a solid estimate for how labour market conditions are holding up.

That said, I would like to keep highlighting the fact that while wages growth continues to be largely positive, it isn't so much the case when adjusted for real terms - which remains deeply in negative territory:

UK wages

That tells a better story about the UK's cost-of-living crisis in my view.