Factory orders
Factory orders for June 2022
  • Factory orders for June 2022 2.0% vs. 1.1% estimate.
  • Factory orders ex transportation up 1.4%
  • Shipments rose 1.1% vs. 2.1% increase in May. Shipments have been up 25 of 26 months
  • unfilled orders rose 0.7% vs. 0.3% in May. Unfilled orders are up 22 consecutive months
  • inventories rose 0.4% vs. 1.3% in the May. Inventories are up 22 of the last 23 months

The durable goods data within the factory orders report showed:

  • Durable goods orders 2.0% revised up from 1.9% previously reported at 0.8% last month
  • durable goods ex defense 0.5% vs. 0.4% in the preliminary report. Last month 0.7%.
  • Durable goods ex transportation 0.4% vs. 0.3% in the preliminary report. Last month 0.5%
  • nondefense capital goods ex air 0.7% vs. 0.5% in the preliminary report. Last month 0.5%

Recall that the preliminary durable goods orders released on July 27 came in much higher than expected at 1.9% vs. -0.5% expected. That strength has also been reflected in the factory goods orders

  • Durable goods have risen in 8 the prior 9 months.
  • Factory orders have been up 13 of the last 14 months
